Acne Treatment

Acne can have a damaging effect on both your appearance and your self-esteem. At Bayou City Dermatology, we understand that men and women who have acne often have sensitive skin as well. As such, we’re able to treat among the most severe forms of acne – without irritating your skin. We can treat virtually any form of acne – from severe cysts and nodules to blackheads and whiteheads and everything in between.

Relief from Chronic Skin Issues

No matter what kind of acne you have or how long you’ve been suffering with red, irritated and blemished skin, we have the advanced treatments you need to achieve the smooth and beautiful complexion you’ve always wanted. In fact, it’s our ability to provide our patients with lasting relief from chronic skin issues that has earned Bayou City Dermatology a reputation for providing among the best acne treatment the Houston area has available.

Treat the most common skin condition

Acne is the most common skin disease in the world — 80 percent of all people experience an acne breakout at some point in their lives, often during the teenage years About 40–50 million Americans have acne at any given time. This is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. It causes whiteheads, pimples or blackheads.
Propionibacterium acnes bacteria found on the skin can become trapped in clogged pores. As the bacteria thrive on the sebum and pustule begins to form. Over time this triggers an inflammatory response from and a deep tender cystic lesion may form, which may eventually lead to follicle rupture if untreated.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some of the different types of acne?


Blackheads occur when your skin is clogged beneath the surface. The air then oxidizes the substance inside the pore, causing it to turn black.

Papules are inflamed clogged pores. They are often red, swollen and tender to the touch, but they do not contain any pus.

Pustules are an easy to recognize form of acne. Sometimes known as whiteheads, they are swollen and inflamed pores that become filled with pus.

-Nodules and cysts, the most severe type of acne, nodules and cysts are large and painful bumps that remain in the skin for long periods of time, often leading to severe scarring.


How old is too old to undergo treatment?


A high glycemic index diet has shown some correlation with acne exacerbation, as have dairy products in patients who have hormonal acne. A common myth is that chocolate is thought to make acne worse, although there are no studies to support this theory. Scientists haven’t found a link between certain foods and acne breakouts. However, if you notice a particular food triggers your acne, try to avoid or limit it.


Is Acne Caused By Bad Hygiene?


Having acne doesn’t mean that your skin is dirty or that you’re not washing it enough. On the contrary, acne-prone skin is sensitive and using harsh skin cleansers or scrubbing can irritate your skin and make your acne worse. Gently washing with a mild cleanser once or twice a day is recommended to remove excess oil and impurities from the skin.


How do Hormones Affect Acne?


Hormones often play a role in acne and may trigger it, especially in adolescence, when hormones increase in both boys and girls. Some women find that hormonal shifts throughout their lifetime (ie. pregnancy, menopause) can cause acne even if they didn’t have it as a teenager.


How Does Stress Cause Acne?


Stress impacts your body in many ways mainly by leading to fluctuations in hormone levels. That is why many people often find that their acne flares up when their stress level is high.


Do Medications Cause Acne?


Certain medications and herbal supplements can cause acne as a side effect. Make sure you tell your dermatologist about all the medications and supplements that you’re currently taking in order to determine if they may be contributing to your acne.


Do Cosmetics and Makeup Cause Acne?


Cosmetics, especially if oil-based, may further contribute to clogged pores. It is crucial to use products that are labeled “noncomedogenic,” which means they are less likely to clog the pores. Mineral makeup is better than liquid makeup. Sleeping in makeup can cause acne breakout, and therefore, you need to remove it every night before bed.

Schedule with us today

If you are looking for an experienced team of dermatologists, please contact Bayou City Dermatology today.

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