Am I Shedding a Normal Amount of Hair or Experiencing Hair Loss

While it’s normal to shed hair, it can be concerning if the amount we lose seems to be increasing. So how on earth do you know whether this is becoming a problem?


Am I Shedding a Normal Amount of Hair or Experiencing Hair Loss?

While it’s normal to shed hair, it can be concerning if the amount we lose seems to be increasing. So how on earth do you know whether this is becoming a problem? Is it normal to see all those hairs in your brush or on your pillow? Or is it the first sign that thinning hair, a receding hairline, or baldness is on the way?

The following looks at the subject of hair loss, discusses what is normal, and when you should seek professional advice.

Hair Loss 101

  • Normal hair loss
  • Abnormal hair loss

Normal hair loss

All body hairs, whether they’re on the head or elsewhere, follow a lifecycle. Part of this is for the hair to die and be shed—normally at the rate of around 50-100 head hairs per day. In most cases, we won’t even notice this, apart from having to clean them from your hairbrush a few times a week.

However, occasionally hair loss can become more excessive. There are many reasons for this, so let’s look at some of the most common causes of abnormal hair loss.

Abnormal hair loss

Abnormal hair loss is defined as shedding significantly more than the above-mentioned 50-100 hairs per day. 

Medical conditions can affect the body in many ways, with hair loss being one of them. While most cases of excessive shedding are temporary, some are permanent.

The most common causes include:

  • Stress
  • Treatment for illnesses, such as cancer
  • Iron deficiency
  • Weight loss
  • Other illnesses

With such conditions, it’s vital that the cause of hair loss is determined before any treatment is put in place.

Other reasons for losing your hair include male-pattern and female-pattern baldness. Another is Alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that attacks the hair follicles, causing the hair to fall out—often in patches. The condition is not yet fully understood but there are various treatments that dermatologists and hair loss specialists can use to improve it.

What Can be Done for Hair Loss?

  • Hair loss treatment

Hair loss treatment

As already mentioned, the first step is to determine the reason behind the hair loss. If, for example, it’s determined that the hair loss has been triggered by an iron deficiency, then the obvious line of treatment is to rectify this. Once done, the hair loss should slow, and new hair will replace any issues with thinning.

Any hair loss caused by a medical condition or treatment should stop once you recover and/or the treatment ceases. If stress is a driving factor, then managing this will be the prime course of action.

For those who’re diagnosed with male or female-pattern baldness, or Alopecia, there are drugs available that can help reduce hair loss and perhaps promote new growth. However, it’s important to understand that not every treatment works for everyone—that’s why it’s vital to seek professional advice.

Other treatments included:

  • Steroid therapy, such as creams applied to bald patches or steroid injections
  • Immunotherapy—provided by a chemical to bald patches
  • Ultraviolet light treatments
  • Hair transplants—removing hair from the back of the head and transplanting it to where it’s thinning
  • Artificial hair transplants
  • Scalp reduction surgery—where areas of the scalp with hair are stretched and stitched together
  • Tattooing areas, such as eyebrows and short hair on the scalp to create a look that’s covered with hair

Worried About Hair Loss? Contact Bayou City Dermatology Today

At Bayou City Dermatology, our expert clinicians work with you to first determine the cause of any excessive hair loss. If it’s diagnosed that this is the case, rest assured that in the majority of cases, this is transient. In such cases, we’ll work with you to treat the root cause and action on how to stimulate the growth of new hair.

If the condition is permanent, such as male pattern baldness, then our dermatologists will create a bespoke treatment plan for your unique needs.

Don’t worry about hair loss for a minute longer. Head to for an overview of our services and call today to book a consultation.