How Long do RHA Fillers Last?

RHA fillers are an effective treatment option to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and folds. They differ from other types of filler because, rather than simply ‘filling in the gaps’, they’re designed to fill and move naturally along with your facial movements.

How Long do RHA Fillers Last?

RHA fillers are an effective treatment option to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and folds. They differ from other types of filler because, rather than simply ‘filling in the gaps’, they’re designed to fill and move naturally along with your facial movements. This means that, while they return structure to the skin, they don’t stop how the skin moves. The result is very soft, meaning that the face appears natural during both movement and at rest. 

The following looks at how long RHA fillers last and answers some of the FAQs around the subject.

RHA Fillers 101 

  • What are RHA fillers?
  • How long do RHA fillers last?

What are RHA Fillers?

RHA fillers are a type of injectable that can be used to positively target wrinkles and skin folds. Because the treatment contains a product similar to the HA in the skin, it achieves a very natural-looking result that’s dynamic and shifts along with facial movements. 

It’s this motility that differentiates RHA fillers from other injectables. They rejuvenate the facial region, both when you make facial expressions—such as grinning, laughing, smiling, etc.—and also when your face is relaxed and at rest.

The treatment is injected into the targeted areas. Depending on your needs and the depth of wrinkles and/or folds to be treated, this can either be applied subcutaneously or into the deeper levels of the dermis. 

RHA fillers are safe and are approved for use within the USA. The treatment is minimally uncomfortable, and the results are pretty much instantaneous. Ideal candidates for RHA treatment can be any age, but typically the treatment might be considered in your early thirties onwards. Of course, skin ageing and loss of elasticity are dependent on many factors, not only your age. 

Other reasons include:

  • Genetics
  • Sun/weather damage
  • Certain medical conditions
  • Poor diet
  • Long-term mild to moderate dehydration 

Whatever the reason for considering RHA fillers, it’s important to have a consultation with an experienced clinician who’ll determine your needs before carrying out any treatment.

How long do RHA fillers last?

One of the best things about RHA fillers is their longevity. Results can be experienced for up to 15 months, making them a popular and economic choice for both women and men. People love both how long they last and the instant results—plus the fact they’re minimally invasive and can, quite literally, be carried out in your lunch hour.

Of course, RHA fillers aren’t suitable for everyone. Your skin needs are unique to you, and today’s advanced treatment options mean that a good dermatologist might consider alternative or additional skin injectables to RHA fillers. Some of these include dermal fillers, Botox, Dysport, and more. 

The most important thing about any cosmetic procedure/s is that you have a full understanding of the following: 

  • The type of procedure being carried out
  • The reasons why it’s considered the most appropriate
  • What results you can expect and whether they’re instantaneous or improve over a short period
  • How long you can typically expect the impact of the procedure to last
  • How long you have to leave between any necessary repeat treatments
  • Any possible side effects and risks involved

This, along with your consent for your chosen clinician to carry out the treatment, will mean that you don’t have any unachievable expectations and that you’ll be delighted with the improvement of the visible signs of ageing.

Looking for an RHA Filler Provider? Contact Bayou City Dermatology Today

The quality of your RHA filler results is directly impacted by the skill of the clinician who administers them. At Bayou City Dermatology, our experienced RHA filler technicians will carry out an in-depth consultation, determining your requirements and expectations; Only after this will a treatment commence, resulting in the excellent customer relationships that have made us a leading provider of such effective dermatological solutions.

Discover more about RHA fillers at and give our friendly team a call to book an informal consultation.