The Science Behind Injectable Wrinkle Fillers

Dermal fillers, often called injectable wrinkle fillers, are an increasingly popular method of reducing the signs of aging. Skin—and especially facial skin—shows the passage of the years.

The Science Behind Injectable Wrinkle Fillers

Dermal fillers, often called injectable wrinkle fillers, are an increasingly popular method of reducing the signs of aging. Skin—and especially facial skin—shows the passage of the years. Although we don’t want to erase those decades of life, love, and experience, you may well want to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, creases, and folds that develop through natural aging, expressions, and lifestyle choices.

Dermal fillers are a highly effective way of doing this. But how do they work? Are they safe and how long can you expect the results to last? 

The following demystifies the truth behind the science and answers many common questions about injectable wrinkle fillers.

Dermal Fillers: Everything you need to know

  • What are dermal fillers?

What are dermal fillers? 

A dermal filler is an injectable, gel-like substance that’s generally made of a substance called hyaluronic acid, or HA. This is found naturally within the skin but decreases as we age. HA is clear, colorless, sterile, and biodegradable. It’s injected into the skin and helps plump up the area and reduce lost volume.  

There are other dermal fillers, such as Sculptra, that use a poly L-lactic acid. This differs from traditional fillers that contain HA, taking a little longer to have a noticeable effect. This is because they work on the foundation of the face, so rather than ‘filling’ wrinkles and hollow areas, it stimulates the body to produce its own collagen. This process takes anything from 4-6 weeks to begin showing results.

For many people, using both HA and poly L-lactic acid together is the ultimate combination.

Dermal Fillers, Hyaluronic Acid, and Your Skin?

  • Injectable wrinkle fillers: the science bit…
  • How safe are dermal fillers?

Injectable wrinkle fillers: the science bit…

HA holds onto water, meaning that when it’s injected into the skin it improves hydration of the tissue. When done, this rapidly restores skin volume, therefore ‘filling’ wrinkles and hollow skin appearances—being effective on anything from fine lines to severe wrinkles and folds. While the results are virtually instant, this then degrades over time, with longevity typically being measured in months, as opposed to years, before you’ll need a maintenance dose. 

Those that are treated with fillers of poly L-lactic acid, on the other hand, are benefiting from a treatment that actively helps the skin produce the building blocks of a youthful appearance—collagen. It’s usually applied back towards the hairline, therefore allowing it to gradually affect the whole of the underlying structure of the face. Treatment usually entails 3 or 4 treatments carried out at 6 weekly intervals. Results appear gradually, peaking from 2 months onwards. Results can last up to 2 years.

How safe are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers have been extensively tested and have been safely used for many years. One of the best things is that they don’t promote an immune response in humans, therefore don’t require any allergy skin testing before treatment.

As long as the procedure is carried out by an experienced and suitably qualified practitioner, dermal fillers are generally very safe. As with any procedure, there is an element of risk. These should be fully explained to you before you go ahead. Serious problems are rare, but a reputable provider will be sure to go through them before you commit to treatment. 

Questions you should be sure to ask and have a satisfactory response to include:

  • What are the practitioner’s experience and qualifications?
  • What type of filler are they going to use?
  • What are the risks and what would happen if things don’t go according to plan?
  • What insurance cover do they have?

These questions should be over and above those that you’ll ask about expected results, longevity, and how often you’ll need to have the process repeated.

Want the Ultimate Dermal Fillers? You Need Bayou City Dermatology

The success of dermal fillers is wholly influenced by the skill of the professional who carries it out. The choice of filler and its placement is key, therefore you need to be confident that a true expert is carrying out the procedure. At Bayou City Dermatology you’re guaranteed a friendly, caring, and experienced service where you’ll be put at ease from very first contact. 

Discover more at and call or email to make your first appointment today.