All You Need to Know about Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating can be a life-altering condition. The medical name for the condition is hyperhidrosis. It can affect the whole body or just certain areas, such as beneath the armpits, the hands, feet, and the groin area.

All You Need to Know about Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating can be a life-altering condition. The medical name for the condition is hyperhidrosis. It can affect the whole body or just certain areas, such as beneath the armpits, the hands, feet, and the groin area.

Mild cases of excessive sweating can often be dealt with by using over-the-counter products available from any good drug store. These include strong antiperspirants, sweat shield, foot powders, or choice of cleansing substitutes. However, if these don’t work, then it’s probably time to consult a professional. 

Sweating: When is it considered excessive? 

  • Normal sweating vs. excessive sweating 

Normal sweating vs. excessive sweating

It’s normal to sweat, such as when the weather is hot or you’re working out. It’s the body’s natural mechanism to lower your core temperature. However, if you sweat at times when you don’t need to be cooled, this is considered to be excessive sweating. The level of excessive sweating can be minimal, or it can be so severe that it seriously affects day-to-day life.

There are many reasons for excessive sweating. These include:

  • A side effect of medication
  • Hormonal, such as menopause or pregnancy
  • Underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, gout, or heart failure
  • Acute infection
  • Alcoholism
  • Obesity 

This is by no means an exhaustive list, nor does it mean that if you have such a condition that you’ll necessarily sweat more than normal. Excessive sweating that occurs due to another reason is known as “secondary hyperhidrosis”. 

There are also cases of excessive sweating that have no underlying reason. This is known as “primary hyperhidrosis” and has no known cause. The following might be indications that this is the reason for excessive sweating:

  • You sweat at least once a week
  • You sweat from particular parts of the body on both sides
  • You rarely sweat when you’re asleep
  • You began sweating during your childhood years or adolescence
  • Sweating has a debilitating effect on day-to-day activities 

Treating Excessive Sweating 

  • Step 1: seek medical advice
  • Step 2: dermatological treatments for excessive sweating

Step 1: seek medical advice

The first step to treating excessive sweating is to seek medical advice. This could be from a dermatologist or general physician. If it’s suspected that an underlying health condition might be the reason, then diagnostic testing will be necessary. For secondary hyperhidrosis, treatment will first be based on the condition that you have, rather than treating the sweating itself. 

If you’re diagnosed with primary hyperhidrosis, then there are various treatments available. 

Step 2: dermatological treatments for excessive sweating

Treatments range from the use of strong antiperspirants to nerve-blocking injections, such as Botox. This minimally invasive option works by introducing tiny amounts of Botulinum toxin to the nerves, so blocking the sweat glands from working.

Botox for excessive sweating is highly effective. You’re probably more familiar with it being used to treat fine lines and wrinkles. For many, it comes as a surprise that it’s licensed for treating hyperhidrosis. Results are fairly instantaneous and last for around 3-6 months. It can only be administered by a qualified and certified dermatologist and is most usually restricted to the armpits. However, it can be used off-license to treat other areas of the body. 

The key to the best results is your choice of dermatologist. Excessive sweating has already affected your daily life, so you will—naturally—demand the ultimate treatment. When seeking a provider, be sure to ask questions asking their experience in using Botox to treat excessive sweating. A good dermatologist will also use a stepwise approach to treatment, perhaps first suggesting other treatments before going down the Botox or other invasive treatment route. 

Don’t Let Excessive Sweating Get You Down: Contact Bayou City Dermatology Today

Treating excessive sweating is a specialty at Bayou City Dermatology. Our skilled, board-certified dermatologists will work with you to determine the ultimate treatment. Whether this involves Botox injections or second-line treatments that are only available via the professional route, you can be sure that we’ll work with you to improve your quality of life.

Don’t wait a moment longer. Visit for more information and call today to book your initial consultation.