When it comes to looking after your skin, nothing is truer than the saying that “great skincare begins at home”.

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Coolsculpting is a popular method of non-invasive and non-surgical fat reduction. Results can be excellent, leading to around 20% fat loss in the areas treated. Of course, as with any procedure, there are risks that you should be aware of.


One area of the body that’s often overlooked is the neck. Yet it’s a region that can be the biggest age giveaway for some people. We’ve all seen images of the dreaded “turkey neck”, something that unfairly affects a proportion of people. 


Botox and fillers have a varying lifespan that’s unique to the individual. But it’s generally agreed that how long they’ll last for you has at least some bearing on your metabolism. So what does this mean? Can you work out whether this will equate to an overly short or long period and, very importantly, can you do anything about it?


The inclusion of melatonin in topical skin care products is one of the newest beauty trends right now. However, rather than jumping on the bandwagon by purchasing some—often very expensive—oils, creams, or lotions, you should first do your homework on why this has become so fashionable.


Ingrown hairs are painful and unsightly. So how can you treat them? Even more importantly, is there anything you can do to lessen the risk of them occurring? Thankfully, you can treat the condition and yes, there are many things you can do to help prevent them in the future.


Beard ruff, or beard dandruff, is a common issue—especially if you’re new to the joys of growing facial whiskers. Some people find it’s more of an issue during the colder months, although some suffer year-round,


The body is a dynamic system. Look after the base product—AKA, your health—and this will directly impact the appearance of your skin.


Dr. Karan Sra

Karan K. Sra, M.D. FAAD is a board-certified Dermatologist and medical director of Bayou City Dermatology. Her mission in starting Bayou City Dermatology is to provide exemplary and compassionate care to her patients by providing the most current medical and cosmetic skincare procedures available.